Good Samaritan Bible Study Club

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The Good Samaritan Bible Study Club will teach students many deep mysteries of the Bible. We talk about the lost truth that Jesus taught us 2,000 years ago such as the Sabbath day, Passover, and how Jesus should come again. The Bible being a book of prophecy does not exclude anyone, rather we welcome all people of any background to come and see these amazing prophecies for themselves. Understanding that students may have many questions about the Bible, our club will host interactive seminars, open group discussions, and Bible Q&A through Kahoots, Quizlet Live, etc. The Good Samaritan Bible Study Club sets itself apart from all other clubs because we accompany our faith with deeds of love and kindness, like a mother would care for her children. As Bergen county is such a big area, it needs much care from schools and community services to sustain healthy and comfortable living environments. With Mother’s love, we host tree planting events, snow removal, disaster relief, street cleanups, and much more! By helping everyone in every aspect of life, this would make the community happier and our efforts would extend in making the world a better place. All of the Bible studies permeate a warm and loving family environment where students can talk to each other and support one another. Doing good deeds, joining fun activities, and seeing the truth of the Bible unfold is what students need to make an impact in and out of school. Everyone that is a part of the Bulldog community would reap the benefits that the Good Samaritan Bible Study club has to offer in more ways than one so that all people, students and staff, can maximize their experience at Bergen Community College.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Jonathan Blanco Profile

Jonathan Blanco

Aaron Morrisey Profile

Aaron Morrisey

Christopher Marcillo Profile

Christopher Marcillo

Maeva Christian Profile

Maeva Christian



Good Samaritan Bible Study Club

400 Paramus Road
Paramus NJ 07652
United States